Home » 5 Must-have Jewelry Pieces for Bharatanatyam Dance

5 Must-have Jewelry Pieces for Bharatanatyam Dance

by supremeauthor

Bharatanatyam is a classical dance form that is globally recognized that basically originated from the ancient Indian religious rituals. It is one of the most popular dance forms of South India and requires years of training to successfully learn and perform this art form.

Elegance, discipline and beauty are some of the attributes that are readily involved in this classical dance form. While the overall dance attire of Bharatanatyam is one of a kind, the statement pieces of jewelry or ornaments such as classical dance anklets, holds great value as well.

Today, we are here to discuss some of the must-have jewelry pieces that are required for Bharatanatyam. Continue to read till the end to learn all about it.

1.    Necklaces & Chokers

It is pretty common for Bharatanatyam dancers to wear Temple Kemp Jewelry necklaces and chokers. The beautiful and intricate design are common features of these necklaces.

Sometimes, these necklaces and chokers even have Kemp stones or pearl embellishments that make them look unique and aesthetic. The design on these necklaces and chokers are inspired by the ancient temple walls and pillars designs.

However, over the years some new modern iterations of the design have also found its way in these necklaces and chokers. While dancers prefer the traditional design necklaces and chokers, there have been many performances in today’s day where dancers are seen wearing these modern design necklaces.

2.   Anklets or Ghungroo

Also known as Noopura, this is one of the must-have ornaments for Bharatanatyam or any other form of Indian classical dance. Ghungroos are ornaments that are tied to the feet of the dancers.

The primary purpose of wearing anklets or Ghungroos is to offer rhythmic accompaniment. Now, there are different types of Ghungroos that are used in different types of Indian classical dance forms.

For example, Kinkinika is an anklet type that has tiny sized bells attached to it. With each step taken to perform the dance, these anklets produce a very appealing sound. The KinkinikaGhungroo is known for producing tiny sounds because of the small- sized bells attached to it.

In fact, anklet is one such ornament that is worn during the practice or training sessions as well so that the dancers can improve their rhythmic flow.

3.   Headset

Well, the Bharatanatyam dance style depicts the traditional rituals and stories where different mudras and postures are used by the dancers gracefully. Special attention is given to the overall attire, right from the head to toe.

The headset jewelry is important when it comes to Bharatanatyam dance form. Typically, there are types of hair ornaments worn by the dancer comprising the Chandran, Sooryan and the MathaPatti.

The two brooch-like looking ornaments which are known as the Chandran and Sooryan are worn on left and right with the middle parting hair. These brooches symbolize the Moon and the Sun respectively.

The three ornaments comprise the entire headset and it looks extremely regal. The entire headset looks similar to something out of the ancient monarchy system.

4.   Earrings

Earrings or also referred to as Jhumkas are another jewelry piece that is worn mandatorily in Bharatanatyam dance performance. Unlike other earrings, the classical dance Jhumkas have a traditional design and pattern to it.

Pearl and kemp stone embellishments are pretty commonly seen in the Jhumka sets. The Jhumkas are accompanied with a short chain that is attached to the hair, giving the entire thing a complete and royal look.

There are countless designs and styles of Jhumkas available for Bharatanatyam dancers to pick. Without wearing the ear studs or Jhumkas, the attire for Bharatanatyam dancers isn’t fully complete.

5.   Hip Chain & Armlets

Hip chain or Kamarbandh and Armlets or Bajubandh are another set of jewelry pieces that are a must-have in Bharatanatyam dance. The Armlets come in pairs which are worn on each arm.

Whereas the Kamarbandh is a hip chain that gives the outfit a more complete look and secures all the pleats made in front of the saree.

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